Struggling to decide what career you should embark on? If you are recently graduated or looking for a career change, you should consider the following advice:
1. What is the level of job satisfaction in the role that you seek? Is this really the "dream" job you imagine it to be? Talk to people in the industry, attend recruitment fairs and read career specific publications in order to get a feel for how the job really is.
2. Are your qualifications and skills adequate for the job that you want? Will it require further training? If so, you should consider whether extra study can fit into your life. Another consideration is cost, would a potential employer pay for this? Sometimes this can be the case, but not always.
3. Look to get a foot in the door and some exposure to the realities of day to day work in your chosen career. Do this by applying for intern-ships, work placements etc, it can give you a valuable insight into whether you should pursue your dream.
4. Choose the path you want to take based upon what you are interested in and the skills you possess. Do not rely upon the advice of career counsellors. Make your own decisions, you know yourself best.
5. Set yourself realistic goals. Whilst you should aim high, don't set your sights on something completely unattainable based on your circumstances.
6. Use the connections you have already made in life to explore different roles, even if just in conversation. Many of your friends will know, be married to or be the children of interesting people. Tap into this knowledge, something interesting might come of it.
7. Resist using recruitment/career agencies to "find" you a new career. Take the time to write a well researched letter/email to a person at a company that interests you.
8. Don't overlook opportunities immediately open to you for the sake of all out change. If you are currently bogged down in your current job, look for promotions or different roles that might be more rewarding within the same business.
9. Education is important, but an interest and appreciation for what you want to do can take you places. Furthermore, additional non-classroom knowledge shows a dedication to potential employers.
10. Be honest when it comes to pay/salary. You will need a job that will pay your bills as well as keeping you happy!
How to choose the best career for you
Posted by Admin | 04:48 | Business, Career, Education, Employment, Industry, Intern, Job satisfaction, Knowledge | View Comments
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